FireSmart Canada, along with our provincial partners, will be hosting three Local FireSmart Representative workshops over the next three months:

Manitoba will be hosting our Central/Eastern workshop on February 9/10, 12pm-4pm CST

Nova Scotia will be hosting our Maritimes workshop on March 16/17, 12pm-4pm AST

Alberta will be hosting a workshop on April 7/8, 8am-12-pm MST

The Local FireSmart™ Representative (LFR) workshop helps community leaders and fire professionals become familiar with and implement all components of the FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program (FCNRP).

The training provided in this virtual workshop, held over two half-day consecutive sessions equips Local FireSmart Representatives with an understanding of current wildland urban interface concepts and wildfire hazard assessments. The workshop provides participants with tools and skills to mentor, recruit and motivate volunteer community leaders, and to work with self-organized groups to plan and implement wildfire mitigations in their neighbourhoods. LFR workshops address training and awareness issues in the private and community land areas.

Workshop objectives:

  • To enhance participants’ understanding of wildland fire behavior, how homes and structures are threatened by wildfire – and ignite, how to systematically recognize wildfire hazards in the WUI, and the full range of FireSmart mitigations for reducing wildfire risk to the WUI.
  • To enable participants to apply the wildland fire hazard assessment process and appropriate mitigation measures available to individual or small groups of homes in ways that will help residents work together to reduce wildfire risks.
  • To provide an overview of FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program components, step-by-step procedures for implementing the program, and examples and exercises that develop the skills required to make the program work effectively in their jurisdictions.
  • To prepare participants to fulfill all LFR duties, and contract assistance in support of the NRP and agency wildfire protection goals in the greater community.
  • To provide participants with the communication tools required (for example, a delivery ready mini-workshop) to recruit, inform and motivate area residents and assist neighbourhood champions to take the lead in organizing their neighbours to take collective actions that reduce the potential for wildfire losses.

Target audience:

  • Structural firefighters
  • WUI specialists (e.g. RPFs, RFTs, other land specialists with wildfire fire responsibilities)
  • Rural or urban planners/managers
  • Representatives of offices of the fire marshal or fire commissioner
  • Emergency management staff
  • Wildfire management staff

Registration requirements:

If you are interested in participating in a virtual LFR workshop, please complete the online registration. Once your registration has been reviewed and approved, you will receive an email confirming your registration. All LFR workshop participants will be required to have successfully completed FireSmart 101, a self-directed online training course prior to the start of the workshop.

Certified Local FireSmart Representatives will be required to agree to the terms in the Local FireSmart Representative Expectations document, which clearly outlines roles and responsibilities when fulfilling LFR duties, upon completion of the workshop.

Please Note – If you do not match the criteria for this workshop, you are encouraged to take FireSmart 101 and reach out to a LFR in your community. LFRs are equipped to help neighbourhoods and communities get involved in FireSmart programs.  

Registration now open! Click here to register.